Rules Academy

Learn, understand, test yourself & enjoy.

The Rules Academy covers the most commonly occurring Rules situations, culminating in the official R&A Level 1 Exam.

To take The R&A Level 1 Exam you need an account

If you have not already signed up for the Rules Academy, set up an account to get started.


1.  Variety of learning materials

The combination of videos, diagrams, text and revision questions accommodate different learning styles.

2. Knowing the Rules of Golf can help you on the course

Knowing the Rules can help you avoid unnecessary penalties, ensure you understand all the options available to you and help to speed up play.

3. Pass the Exam and receive the Official Certificate

If you decide to take the Exam and you pass it, you will receive an official R&A certificate.

Diagrams & Definitions

Diagrams, illustrations and videos are included to help you learn the Rules of Golf. Links to the Rules of Golf definitions will aid your understanding.