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There are a variety of reasons for wanting to improve pace of play – greater customer satisfaction, increased revenue, higher membership numbers and increased participation – and there are a variety of ways of achieving the goal. First, a facility needs to asses if it has a problem, and this can only be done properly through soliciting opinion and gathering data. From that point it becomes possible to set goals, assess where the issues lie and implement measures to tackle the problems. The issues may lie with management practices, course set up or with the players, or a combination of the three. There may be a single solution or a combination of solutions, and sometimes finding the right combination may involve trial and error. Nevertheless, The R&A believes that any members’ club, public course, resort, tournament committee or golfing body can implement measures that will produce a genuine and lasting improvements in pace of play and flow around a course. This Manual provides the tools to do it. We strongly encourage you to use them.