The R&A
Watch: Why Golf Matters

The R&A Foundation

For over twenty years, The R&A Foundation has provided funding from the proceeds of The Open to support golf projects worldwide, from grassroots to the elite level.   R&A Foundation programmes have already demonstrated the remarkable change golf can inspire.   To increase its reach and impact, we launched a philanthropy programme in 2023, inviting donors to join us and provide additional funding for greater investment into global initiatives. Together, we are not only creating good for golf, but good through golf.
Investments in
We maximise our impact around the globe by investing in projects in three distinct ways:
Charitable Partners
The R&A's Affiliates
The R&A's Programmes


Support Us

Our global philanthropy program supported by generous individuals, corporates and charitable trusts, enables our programmes to develop further and faster.    Join us improving lives and communities, inspiring current and future generations through golf.