
The Royal and Ancient Golf Club Scholarship

In 2023 The R&A Foundation launched The Royal and Ancient Golf Club Scholarship – a collaboration between The R&A Foundation and The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews designed to identify and nurture the next generation of golf’s leaders.  

Working together we have created a programme that not only includes generous financial support for young individuals keen to commit their talents and energies to the future of golf, but connects them to other likeminded individuals, and to The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews through mentorship from Club Members.   This programme is open to young individuals aged between 18 to 29-years-old and consists of five elements of support:  
  • A bursary of up to £10,000 per year for educational costs
  • A bursary of up to £5,000 per year for golf-related costs
  • Mentorship from within The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews’ membership
  • Membership of a peer support network of Scholars
  • A leadership conference in St Andrews
"Through this initiative we can foster a distinguished community of young leaders who will achieve new heights for the sport.”

Niall Farquharson

Chairman of The R&A

Current Scholars

In its inaugural year, over 200 applications for The Royal and Ancient Golf Club Scholarship were received from all around the globe, testament to the unique opportunities offered by this prestigious new programme.

Ten young and women have been selected as the first Royal and Ancient Golf Club Scholars and we’re delighted to introduce you to them here.
“It’s really awesome. The financial support is a big weight off my shoulders and I’ve been connected with my mentor through The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews, who is fantastic. Then the trip to St Andrews is on the bucket list for anybody involved in the industry.”

Hannah Isinghood, Canada

2024 Royal and Ancient Golf Club Scholar

2025 Applications have now closed

Applications for the 2025 Royal and Ancient Golf Club Scholarship are now closed. To register your interest in the 2026 programme, please email